Monday, March 27, 2017

Give Me a Discerning Heart

"So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?"

1 Kings 3:9 (NIV)


I have often heard people pray for a discerning heart or for others to have a discerning heart, but I have never thoroughly considered what that meant or why it was so important. Today, I started reading in 1 Kings and in chapter 3 King Solomon is having a dream in which the Lord is speaking to Him and tells him "Ask for whatever you want me to give you." To this, King Solomon replied by asking the Lord for a discerning heart, so that he may govern and serve his people in the best way that he can.  In verses 10-13 we read, "The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for this. So God said to him, 'Since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for discernment in administering justice, I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be. Moreover, I will give you what you have not asked for - both riches and honor - so that in your lifetimes you will have no equal among kings.'"

When I first read the part where God told Solomon to ask for whatever he wanted and He would give it to him, my mind immediately went to the genie in Aladdin. I was thinking that Solomon would ask for money or an even bigger palace, but he didn't. Solomon asked for something that showed his heart for God and for God's people. Solomon asked for a discerning heart, so that he may have the wisdom to find true justice in governing his people. So, what is a discerning heart? In my mind, a discerning heart would be one that would allow someone to know right from wrong not in the ways of the world, but in the ways of God. Our world has a definition for morality that is much different than God's definition.  This can be very confusing for a believer and can lead to us being okay with things not because God says it is okay, but because the world says it is okay. When we ask God for a discerning heart we are asking him to help us in our search for what is right in His eyes, so that we may make choices in life pleasing to Him.

Another point that really hit me when I was reading this passage is when it stated that the Lord was pleased that Solomon asked for this and not only gave him what he asked for, but also what he didn't ask for. When Solomon asked for a discerning heart, he was not concerned with his own desires, but for the will of the Lord and for the needs of the people. When we petition God for things that our only beneficial to us, it is no surprise that many times these are the prayers that seem unanswered. Remember from my last post, our purpose is to glorify Him. If He gave us everything we want, everything that benefits ourselves only, why then would we need to reach out to help others? Think about it in this light. Taking care of Aidan has taught me a few things. This being one of them. Although, we want to give our children everything that they want, we don't because we know that giving them everything doesn't teach them to work for things or to be appreciative of what they have. Same for our requests of God. He loves us so much and wants to bless our lives with all of those things that we desire and then some, but He wants us to live our lives needing and seeking Him and being appreciative of what He has given us.

When we petition God for things that are in His will that are in agreement with His commands, we will find that those are the prayers that are answered. When we ask for things that will benefit His kingdom and His people other than just ourselves, we can have faith that He WILL provide. Those prayers may not be answered immediately or in the way we think they will, but in His time and in His way, He will answer. In a way, when we ask for a discerning heart, we are not only asking God to help us when making daily life decisions and in our relationships with others, but also in knowing WHAT to ask Him for.

My challenge for myself and for you today is to ask God for a discerning heart. Make a quick list of a few things you have asked God for recently. Examine whether these requests are beneficial to you only or if they would glorify God or God's people. If they do, keep praying for them. If not, ask God for His will in that situation or to change your heart to want the desires of His heart.

Father God, thank you for speaking to us today through the example of Solomon. We ask that you give us discerning hearts today, just as you did for Solomon. Help us to see what is right in your eyes, so that we may make decisions pleasing to you, Father. Help us to want what is in your will. We love you and we thank you for creating us in your image. Amen.

*In need of prayer today? I would be happy to pray for you or someone you know! Just leave a comment below or send me a private message using the form on the "Contact Me" page. Also, check out the new "Prayer Concerns" page and join me in praying for those on our list.

Find the joy in Christ's truth, today.

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