My sweet third graders,
I have so enjoyed having you in my class this year. I am so thankful that I was given the chance to be your teacher and get to know you the way that I have. You are a blessing to me. As you go off to 4th grade, I pray that you don't forget the joy we shared in our classroom and the things that you have learned.
When you came into my classroom almost 36 weeks ago, my first impression was "Wow! These kids really love each other." It has been a joy to watch your friendships expand and mature and the way you love one other is absolutely amazing to witness. I have often told you that we were a "classroom family". With that being said, we had times where we shared frustrations and joyous occasions, but like a family we stuck together through it all.
My favorite thing about our class this year is how you allowed your brain to think about God. You challenged me to think about Him in ways that I never thought about Him before. We were able to engage in some great, meaningful discussions about our Heavenly Father. I was always in awe of the insightful things you had to say during these discussions. I hope that you carry some of these discussions with you as you grow and mature in your relationship with the Lord.
As you become 4th graders, my hope is that you leave my class feeling one thing...loved. Because each of you are. Not only by me, but by our Creator. You are loved more than you will ever know. You were created to be exactly who you are and you are loved because of who you are. Don't let this world try to change you. Be you. You are beautiful, smart, compassionate, and hard-working. Work hard in all that you do and do everything for God's honor and glory.
And lastly, I want to thank you. You all are always thanking me for what I do, but I should be thanking you. You challenge me each day to be a better teacher and a better person. Thank you for that. Thank you for your sweet hugs and kind words, especially on days that are a bit harder than others. Thank you for laughing with me and putting up with my random thoughts and stories that I just have to share when they pop in my head. Thank you for teaching me what life looks like through your eyes. Many adults grow up and forget what it is like to be a kid, but I got to experience it each day because you shared it with me. Thank you for sharing the last 36 weeks of your life with me. Thank you for giving me the gift of your laughter and for sharing your excitement with me. Thank you for praying with me when I needed prayer and allowing me to pray with you when you needed it.
Are you crying yet? I know I am. I expect each of you to come back to see me at some point next year and share with me what is new in your life. I can't think of a better way for the legacy of our class this year to continue than to have you share at least a small part of your future with me. You may not all be in the same class next year or in my class, but a part of my heart is reserved for Mrs. Johnston's third grade class of 2017-2018...that's YOU!
With lots of love,
Mrs. Johnston